Saturday, September 30

New Blog Work

As you can see, there's some new content here, and a brand new look for Kaiserstrasse. I'm newly dedicating myself to, at the end of each week, having posted, on average, at least one new picture per day. If you have comments or concerns, please feel free to use the comments to the post, or, of course, you can email me.

My daughter looks like a marshmallow

so I'm taking her for a walk. Posted by Picasa

Zoe in the highchair

Isn't that smile just the bomb? Posted by Picasa

Weekend at Joe's cabin

My friend Joe let us stay at his cabin for the weekend a few weeks ago. It was really nice. Not only did both kids nap at the same time on Saturday, so Bridgette and I got to have a real, unscheduled, adult conversation, but the kids really loved being in the woods. Owen proclaimed "My Joe's cabin" as we went to leave (which, frankly, demonstrates a radically poor understanding of property law). Posted by Picasa

Owen surveys the grounds

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Weekend in the woods

I always scowl when I close a trunk. Posted by Picasa

B and Zoe in the light

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An accurate shirt

Not only does it fit in size, but it fits in description! It's a doubly fitting shirt! Posted by Picasa

Southern Belle

My brother is of the opinion that I live in the South, because I live south of the Mason-Dixon line, even though Maryland was never a conferderate state. Here, as, I suspect, we prepare for a trip to Virginia, Zoe was dressed as a proper Southern girl, hat and all.

And, of course, this photo was taken before Labor Day. Posted by Picasa

Zoe and Daddy walk

Zoe and I go for a lot of walks. Here, we prepare to leave for one. Posted by Picasa

My funny, fuzzy family

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Evidence of alien life

I'm not even sure he looks like a human from this perspective. Posted by Picasa

B with kids

Here's B with the kids. This was the day of the USC-Nebraska game, so Zoe's in a Husker outfit (though a fat lot of good that did). Posted by Picasa

Owen is now going to Sunday school

Well, not right this second (this second he's asleep upstairs), but these days he's going to Sunday school. Here, he surveys the room in my arms (my glasses are visible in the far right of the shot), and is not completely resolved in his emotional reaction. Posted by Picasa

Ascending the stairs to Sunday school

Owen is walking up the stairs to go to his first day of Sunday school.

Isn't it amazing how it costs nothing to take a picture with a digital camera? Posted by Picasa

Owen runs into church for Sunday school

He was really moving. I think he swallowed a bug, which explains the face. Posted by Picasa

A long look back at toddlerhood

Here, Owen walks out of the house on his way to his first day of Sunday school. Some say the first day of Sunday school is the day after the last day of toddlerhood. Regardless, it marks an indelible line between the past and the present.

Owen takes a look back at the house as he goes to the car to go to church. Was he thinking of this life transition as he looked back? I don't know. All I know is that he looked at me shortly after this photo was taken and said "juice." Posted by Picasa

Nice moment

I don't know what was said shortly before this photo was taken, but it looks like Candice and Kristi were having such a nice moment. Posted by Picasa

Ladies night

Candice and Kristi introduce Zoe to ladies night. I think they're making fun of Cosmopolitan in this picture. Zoe picked up the basic themes quickly.

Owen and I were working on the lawnmower engine and chewing tobacco in the backyard when this photo was taken. Posted by Picasa

Food bender

Zoe was up for like, three days, eating solids. That's why her eyes look like that. Posted by Picasa

The very first bite

Here, Zoe has her very first bite of solid food. Check out how much she's looking forward to it! Posted by Picasa

Owen watches Zoe eat

Zoe had her first solid food (see the post below). Owen, here, watches, worried that his developmental superiority will soon be diminished.

Happily, he is able to calm himself with the realization that he knows a LOT more about construction equipment than Zoe, who doesn't even speak English. Posted by Picasa

Zoe's first meal

Zoe has started on solid food! Here, she has her first meal. She's really taken to it much more quickly than Owen did; by now she's a total pro. I think she went from spitting food out to just eating it like nothing in about three weeks (compared to about a month and a half for Owen). Posted by Picasa

Where's my blackberry?!?!?!

Owen impersonates a lawyer at a big law firm. Posted by Picasa


Owen has his pudding, and Zoe has her rice cereal.

All is right with the world. Posted by Picasa