Tuesday, May 13

The new camera is here!

Check out the pictures below! We've got a new camera and I think it's working really well. Let me know what you think!

6 pm

Is this what it's like when you get home?

A morning person.

Not a morning person

A naked Zoe rends a banana

You talkin' to me?

Dinner is crazy

It's nice to see in this picture just how much Zoe looks up to Owen.


Zoe on the move!


A digger!

Owen's new hangout.

Sometimes she's just a little girl


This was right before she bit the head off a rat.


Yes, our house is now a sandbox (thanks to how well sweatpants hold sand).

Saturday, May 3

New Camera

In the (highly) unlikely even that we still have any remaining readers of this blog, I wanted to let you know that I just purchased a camera from Amazon, which should arrive May 8. This will replace the one stolen during our (now longer) recent breakin. It will document our upcoming party on the 17th and, hopefully, our upcoming trip to the Pacific Northwest. Look for new picture posts soon!