Saturday, January 28

No idea

I have no idea what's happening in this photo. Posted by Picasa

Check out that belly!

B had a sonogram on Thursday which showed that Baby Y is running a little big. The machine projected a due date based on Baby Y's size of April 7, nearly a week sooner that the prior date. Posted by Picasa

Enough of the paparazzi

A boy can only be photographed so many times before he has to just take off. Posted by Picasa

It was a nice day

It's been unseasonably warm here today. As a result, Owen, B and I spent a fair bit of time outside. Here's Owen in the backyard (and he's a little under the weather, hence the runny nose). Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 24

Extreme Closeup

This is Owen, up close. Posted by Picasa


There he is! Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 23

Happy boy

Doesn't he look like a happy boy? He's like, "check me out, I'm getting read to by mom." Posted by Picasa


Yeah, there's some on my shirt. But some of it's on my tongue too. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, January 21

Stunningly cool web page

This is probably the coolest webpage I've seen in a long time. It's the Baby Name Wizard
. As you know, we're in need of a little baby name wizard here in the house these days, and this thing tracks, letter by letter, the popularity of names per million births from the 1880's until 2004. Even if you hate babies, and names, it's cool to watch the colors change as you enter letters. I can't recommend it enough.

Curious, but still into the ball

This picture is very Owen. He's clearly curious about what's on the table in front of him, yet not so curious that he's willing to set down the ball in his arms to explore it. Posted by Picasa


I wish I had better pictures of Owen's teeth, but he's funny about them. We've started brushing them every night after getting tips on how to do that from Dad's sister-in-law Jeanie, a hip cynical dentist in New Jersey. He's not kind of into having his teeth brushed but there were some hard nights for a while. He's got somewhere around 10 teeth so far, and it seems like new ones are coming in every time I look. Posted by Picasa

Owen and mommy

This picture was taken right before Christmas. He's already too big for this shirt. Posted by Picasa

Here's a broom for you

Owen, as I've mentioned, loves sweeping. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 18

No gift?

I forgot to get Owen a present from Idaho. He was not impressed. Posted by Picasa


As we prepare Owen to be a brother, it's nice to see I have such a happy handsome one. Andy gives good picture. Posted by Picasa

Yard work

We saw this totally hot lady doing yard work. I took a bunch of pictures; this is probably the best one. Posted by Picasa

Andy is ready

for a night on the town! Posted by Picasa

Andy really liked Boise

In this candid shot, I found why Andy was so interested in visiting Boise. Posted by Picasa

Funny sign

I took this picture in Boise. They sell "Entertainment Books." No educational books here, just entertainment books.

It's that kind of city. Posted by Picasa

You last blogged when?

I told Owen that I hadn't posted anything since last Thursday. He gave me this look.

Searing disapproval. Wait until he finds out I don't know how to spell either. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, January 12

Out of town for the weekend

It's Martin Luther King, Jr. day on Monday! To celebrate the legacy of the late civil rights leader, I'm going to Boise Idaho, where there are no black people. I have a dream, indeed.

Seriously though, I am going to Boise this weekend to meet up with my brother Andy (or "Varner" to his college friends and "V-dog" to his college DEA handler). I'll be back very late Monday. In the meantime, Bridgette may do some guest blogging here and, if I can get access to email, I'll post something quick. Expect the blog to reappear in earnest on Tuesday night.

A correction

You may think, based on what you see here, that Owen isn't allowed to play with the iPod. Such a belief would be in error. I'll post some Owen-with-iPod photos next week, I hope, as well as the long overdue Owen-with-stuffed-animal photo.

There's something about his eyes

They just convey this great world-weariness in this photo. Such confidence. Posted by Picasa

Owen and the Christmas decorations

Owen is really going to cry when we put these up. Posted by Picasa

Happy boy!

Owen, happy and in some of his favorite pajamas. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 11

Caption Contest, phase II

It's Caption Contest Time!!

Voting will run until Friday at 3 pm, EST, at which time the entry with the most votes will win!

What's the best caption for this photo?
My folks gave me this dead phone, but what I really want is the real iPod my Dad won't let me touch.
Think I don't know how to dial Japan??
"Hello father, I come bearing a gift. I'll give you a hint: it's in my diaper, and it's not a toaster."
Yes!! Now that I have the teleaphonic device I shall use it to contact My Minions around to globe and begin my bid for world domination!!

Free polls from


Owen says hi! Posted by Picasa

Pork Chop!

This is from our summer trip to the midwest. Owen, at the Iowa State Fair, was introduced to the pork chop by some deadbeat. He kept gnawing on the bones. Posted by Picasa

I have no lip!!

Owen freaked me out that he didn't have an upper lip. It turns out he was hiding it in his mouth.