Thursday, January 5

The best part about New York City

It's probably hard to tell from this photo, but Owen and I have taken to dancing together. I'm going to try to get B to take a movie of it this weekend and see if I can post that on the blog. We dance to "New York City" by They Might Be Giants. Normally the dance involves a lot of bopping and spinning, but there are some good dips too.

When the song finishes, Owen points to the iPod player and yells "City!"

We also dance to the Violent Femmes, particularly Add It Up, American Music, and I Held Her In My Arms, but I sort of minimize that because of the, ahem, adult themes. I'd like to find some children's punk for us to dance to, but so far I can't figure out a way to search for such a thing on iTunes. Posted by Picasa

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