Sunday, January 8

Caption Contest!!

I've really tried hard to think of what kind of a caption to put to this picture. Is that a pirate look? Is he trying to make prank calls? I'm blanking.

So, I invite you, loyal readers, to come up with a caption. Post one, or more, potentional captions in the comments below.

After a few have come in, I'll post an online poll so folks can vote on which one they like best. There's no formal prize, but I won't object if you want to put "Inaugural Winner of Kaiserstrasse Blog Caption Contest" on your resume (though anyone who wants you to get a job should).
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Anonymous said...

Think I don't know how to dial Japan???

Anonymous said...

Yes!! Now that I have the teleaphonic device I shall use it to contact My Minions around to globe and begin my bid for world domination!! This fool with his photographic device has no idea that in a few short days I will be the ruler of all that I gaze upon, and soon he will know the anguish of nap time!!! Muwaa!

Jess said...

These are funny. I wish I was better at coming up with captions. But that picture is so cute. John's is hilarious.

Jess said...

Okay, I have one ---

for those who are fans of Family Guy... --

"Hello father, I come bearing a gift. I'll give you a hint: it's in my diaper, and it's not a toaster."

That's actually Mark's quote. He came up with it after seeing the pic.

Anonymous said...

My folks gave me this dead phone, but what I really want is the real iPod my Dad won't let me touch.
