Saturday, May 12

Oregon visit

As you can see below, I'm in Oregon visiting Andy after some work-related travel. It's been a great visit; we saw this movie and this movie, and today I'm having lunch with a friend from law school while Andy has to work. On Thursday, we watched the Office together, and I have to say, I really agree with Jess about Pam (but is it too little too late? I kind of think so.).

It's really rare that I get to watch a movie; in fact, I think these two are the first I've seen this calendar year, so it's been really nice to have the time to see them. And both movies were really good in their own way. TV Set is really deeply funny and incredibly well-acted. Especially the male lead on the TV show within the movie. And After the Wedding is just a great dark Scandinavian film. It helped that the bathroom in the movie theater was freakishly cool in a way highly reminiscent of Iceland.

Also, Andy and Robyn are doing well.

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