Saturday, September 29

Sunday, September 23

Hi again!

Hey, even more pictures! Check them out!

Also, my friend Dan was quoted in the A section of the Washington Post. Go Dan Go!

Happy together!

nap time?

There is no more happy time than a simultaneous nap. Indeed, a simultaneous nap is what's letting me blog right now.

The Soccery Man Cometh

Here's Owen on his way to his first soccer practice. He may not quite by Freddy Abu yet, but he now knows not to touch the ball with his hands.

They are trying to hurt me

this is how my children play with me. I lay on the floor and they maul me. I suppose I could get off the floor, but, well, this is what we've worked out informally, and I don't want to back out now.


Zoe's smile

Isn't she pretty?

Mom's Shoes

Zoe really has a thing for wearing other people's shoes lately. She'll wear Bridgette's, or mine, or Owen's, or a random pair found in a park.

New Photos

As you'll likely notice, there's some new life here at Kaiserstrasse in the form of a lot of new photos. I've started using Flickr to upload pictures, which, for you, has the following effect, by clicking on a photo, you go, not to a .jpg file of the photo, but to the Flickr page for that picture. From that page, you can download the image, or, more easily, you can order prints of the image. Which means you no longer have to email me, to ask me to order prints for you to pick up, not that I don't love hearing from you.


Active life

Zoe and Owen are out on the town.

Wondertwin powers

Zoe and her grandfather share a superpower moment.

Sweet boy

Even if you're wearing pajamas with desert camouflage on them, you still need time with your blanket and thumb every now and again.

Indulging dad

Owen and Zoe are nice to indulge dad by stopping for a photo.

Owen's haircut

Owen also got a haircut. Doesn't he have a small neck?

More haircutting

Zoe really got into this, once it got going.

Zoe's first haircut

The morning after

Owen and I emerge from the tent after a night of backyard camping. Do we look rested? We weren't.

Backyard camping

Owen and I slept in a tent in our backyard!

Cruising with Uncle Andy

Who doesn't like a nice ride around Lincoln Nebraska?

Not a parent

Andy reacts to a sudden outburst from the backseat. I don't think he thought that noise came from humans.

Best care in the air

Mom read to Zoe on a plane.

Zoe is a pleasure to drive

Driving Zoe around makes everyone smile.

The troops wait

It's time for school. They're ready and, well, we're not.

Hat girl!

Zoe likes to play with hats.

Owen with speed

Owen qua food critic

This is how Owen reacts to food he dislikes. He can be very gratifying to cook for. Note: the red eyes are not the result of the camera.

Owen reacts to Michigan's game against Appalachian State

As you can see, Owen has a Michigan shirt, thanks to his cousin (or, first cousin once removed) Jess. He was trying to gear up for the start of their season, but, well, you can see his reaction.

Zoe establishes herself

Zoe does a good job of letting others know what she expects out of a relationship. John is a good, and, apparently, indulgent, cousin.

You'd look grumpy too

if you had to wait for Zoe to play on your lap.

Zoe on the tractor

I am Cutie! Hear me roar!!!

Owen's reponse to the recent Floyd Landis news

Owen has been on his bike a lot lately since Landis was found to have doped. Does anyone know whether the Tour will let you ride with training wheels?

Zoe on the porch

P1010092.JPG, originally uploaded by Kaisers.

Hey, we're back to photo blogging after some technical problems. Coming soon - lots of photos from late summer.

Saturday, September 8

Swimming lessons

As many of you know, Zoe and Owen started swimming lessons today. Owen's class is more independent; parents (in this case, Bridgette, representing Owen) sit on a bleacher while the instructors work with them in the water. Owen seemed to have had a lot of fun, which is kind of a victory in itself, given that he started the summer kind of afraid of the pool.

Zoe's class is a "parent and tot" class, so I held her and tried to show her fun stuff to do in the pool. Zoe had already realized that what she wanted to do in the pool is splash me in the face, so as I was blowing bubbles in the water, she splashed my face. As I showed her how to kick, she splashed my face. As I tried to get her to retrieve a floating toy, she splashed. I hope it isn't too immodest, but Zoe is clearly the best face splasher in the class. Though, in fairness, I couldn't really see the other kids, because someone was splashing water in my face.

In other news, soccer starts next weekend for Owen, which I'm really looking forward to. And Nebraska narrowly beat Wake Forrest, which was nice.

Also, please check out this hilarious song, which aptly describes bedtime in our house as well: