Saturday, September 8

Swimming lessons

As many of you know, Zoe and Owen started swimming lessons today. Owen's class is more independent; parents (in this case, Bridgette, representing Owen) sit on a bleacher while the instructors work with them in the water. Owen seemed to have had a lot of fun, which is kind of a victory in itself, given that he started the summer kind of afraid of the pool.

Zoe's class is a "parent and tot" class, so I held her and tried to show her fun stuff to do in the pool. Zoe had already realized that what she wanted to do in the pool is splash me in the face, so as I was blowing bubbles in the water, she splashed my face. As I showed her how to kick, she splashed my face. As I tried to get her to retrieve a floating toy, she splashed. I hope it isn't too immodest, but Zoe is clearly the best face splasher in the class. Though, in fairness, I couldn't really see the other kids, because someone was splashing water in my face.

In other news, soccer starts next weekend for Owen, which I'm really looking forward to. And Nebraska narrowly beat Wake Forrest, which was nice.

Also, please check out this hilarious song, which aptly describes bedtime in our house as well:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved the video -- have you learned all the words and are you all now singing it every day?