Saturday, June 14

Two Stories About Owen, and a thought about Tim Russert

1. Owen and I were talking about numbers, and I asked him, "What is the biggest number you can think of?"
Owen said "A really really big two, one the size of our house."

2. The family was driving in the car last weekend and Owen threw a juice box at my head. I said, "Owen, you shouldn't throw juice boxes at your father."
Owen said, "You're not my father, you're my dad."
I said, "'Father' is another word for 'dad.'"
Owen said, "Oh, they're synonyms."

3. Isn't it odd, or fitting, or remarkable, or tragic, that Tim Russert died the Friday before Father's Day? His book has made him such modern a Father's Day figure; it was one of the best Father's Day gifts I've received.

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