Sunday, June 18

Applesauce Cake!!!

Owen has a book about a mouse named Owen who has a favorite blanket, until Owen (the mouse) outgrows it and his mother ruthlessly destroys the blanket. The book is pretty much about how you can only trust your dad. Anyway, one of the things that the blanket tastes like in the book is applesauce cake. Owen (the human) has really latched onto the words "applesauce cake" and, indeed, now he and I regularly shout the phrase at each other in the bathtub. Here, his mother and Nana treated him to applesauce cake. It was a hit. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was really a fat-free appple muffin. My idea was it could be healthy and he wouldn't know any better, never having had applesauce cake.

Then Nana added the cream cheese frosting. Guess which part of the muffin Owen restricted himself to?