Sunday, October 15

Exciting (?) development

Here at Kaiserstrasse we comb the internet to find newer and better ways to deliver the quality, and, as importantly, the quantity of photos of Owen and Zoe that you, our discriminating viewers demand. To that end, we're happy to announce a new feature - the Kaiser Web Album page. Simply click on the link to see my web photo album. It's, basically, all the photos from a particular bit of time, instead of just the ones I've selected to put on this page.

On the web album, you'll see my dramatic experiments with shutter speed. You'll see photos where everyone is looking another direction. You'll thrill with excitment at seeing seven or eight photos of basically the same shot. No longer will you be limited to only the photos I put on the blog. Instead of seeing the pictures that are the best/most in focus/lend themselves to a (sometimes) funny comment, you'll see all the photos. So if you've got the time to sort through 103 (yes, 103) photos from our trip to Lancaster PA, and related (in the sense that they were on the same memory card) events, you'll love our new web album feature. If you'd rather not see eighteen out-of-focus pictures of Owen playing on the carpet with his trucks, feel free to stick with the blog.

Just email me to let me know what you think. If there's a lot of interest, I'll put the rest of my Kaiser Kid picture oeuvre online.


Jess said...

oeuvre! what a great word!

Jess said...

Oh, and I really like the picasa gallery. Very cool.

Anonymous said...

I love the photo album!!!! 103 photos went by too fast. But - lucky for me, I saved them to Picasso - now how do I get them printed---- hmmmmmmm

Love to you all!!!