Saturday, January 5

Something that sucks

I had intended to download all of our pictures from Christmas this weekend and do some serious updating to the blog. Sadly, I can't, because someone broke into our house and took our camera, along with our DVD player, and a game system we bought several years before Owen was born so that I could learn how to play video games in case we later had a son I would need to bond with as an adolescent.

It was a strange crime; we had a lot more stuff they could have taken (like checkbooks, or CD players, or the computer I'm typing this on now), but they didn't. As far as we can tell, they just took the three things I talk about above. Which is nice, but, of course, it would be nicer still if they hadn't broken into our house in the first place.

So, if anyone can recommend a good digital camera . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How terrible, but I know how you feel because Jonathan and I were broken into a few years back. They took our 13 inch television, a really old stereo system and our car! It was the car that really got to me. I send my complete sympathies!!!
