Sunday, February 12

Owen's snow locomotion

This is how Owen prefers to move around in the snow -- on me. We walked a long way and saw snowplows and downed powerlines and snowplows driving over downed powerlines. Very exciting.

Then my back started hurting, so we came home to read to each other. Owen can read the onomatopoeia "Ow!" and I read the rest of the words in a number of books that we have which feature "Ow!" (they are: Sam the Chef (when Marco drops vegtables on his foot), Daisy the Doctor (when Alex falls off the swing onto someone's bicycle, and when Isacc has an ear infection), and others I'm now forgetting). If you have any books which you love that feature the word "Ow!" please let us know what they are, and we'll hurry to the library to pick them up. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Jess said...

it makes me so happy that owen likes those books!!!!!!!!!!
