Sunday, March 12

Call for thoughts on a boy's name for Baby Y

As you know, Baby Y is coming soon. And, as you likely know, the procedure for deciding on a first name is that I get to select the names and B can only veto them (I, of course, get to decide on the middle name without such veto power, but with a strong desire that both Bridgette and Baby Y like me, particuarly later in life).

That said, there's a first name I'm thinking about that I've decided to open up for comments from you, the blog reader. I'm going to put a name at the bottom of this post, and I invite you to put your thoughts about this name in a comment to this post.

Let me say three things first, however.

First, even if every single person writes something bad about this name, if I still like it, the name is in play. Thus, I would ask you to please moderate your comments somewhat. It is probably not prudent to say something like "Only a complete idiot would select [the name]." unless you really, really mean it, and feel like sharing that thought with such an idiot. Also, who knows, Baby Y may find these comments interesting later, and will, doubtless, have strong thoughts about his name.

Second, I'm much more interested in reasoned reactions than just reactions. Merely writing something like "no" is a lot less persuasive than writing a reason for a "no" thought.

Third, this name is a boy's name. We still don't know if Baby Y is a boy or girl; please don't read anything into the fact that this is a boy's name.

Ok, that said, here's the name: Clinton.


Anonymous said...

Hi Matt--

Since you are asking for opinions, I will happily share mine.... I actually like the name, but good or bad, it immediately makes you think of Bill. Would you want to name your child "after" someone? This is such a unique name, how can you not automatically go directly to the Bill Clinton line of thought? Like naming a child Reagan or Bushie. I agree, the name in and of itself is nice. But, it comes with associations--like I said, good or bad. If for some people it's a bad association, then the comment might be "why would his parents name him after Bill Clinton--poor kid--tsk tsk"
Also, do you mind a name that can be shortened? To Clint? Then I think of Clint Eastwood. Go ahead, make my day and so on.
Then you have to do the "how does the name sound when it's announced from a loudspeaker" test. High school graduation and so on. CLINTON KAISER... ( by the way, OWEN KAISER just sails through that test, it's so great!)
That's my two cents...take or leave. Suey --ps I can't seem to sign up, to respond, so I'm coming in as anonymous

Anonymous said...

The name I love and think the loudspeaker thing works but second Suey's thoughts.. Could you maybe name him "Clinton but not as in Bill Kaiser" I really do love the name and even like Clint so maybe it is worth it. Also, apart from several bad moves, he wasn't a bad president. But, he will live with the association for a long time, as in, were you named after you know who..... But, either way, great name!!!

Anonymous said...

Matt!!! I have to say so YUCK! I knew a guy named Clinton and he was such a scam artist! I think you should re-think that one. However, if you do name the little darling Clinton, I will not love him any less.


Jess said...

i was kind of hoping for a girl so I'm not the ONLY Varner girl.

Jess said...

But I do like the name Clinton.

Jess said...

Mark suggests the name Mark. or Mike. or John. or Durward.

I have a bunch of cute girls names in my name bank if you'd care for my input.