Sunday, April 16

Guess who II

Same hints apply as last time, and, as Andy mentioned, those who guess correctly get to try to goade Robyn and Andy into marriage. Those who lose also get to attempt goade them.

And, for what it's worth, anyone who both Andy and Robyn agree was a cause of them getting married (should they get married), gets any rights to name any of their children which I may have (though, candidly, I have no such rights).

Ok, enough sibling harassment (Owen's rubbing off on me). Let the guessing begin! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

I guess it is Zoey. If this is correct, I must decline my "prize". I am a poster child for why one should stay single and therefore of no use in persuading others to marry.

Anonymous said...

This on is Zoe for sure!!!! And she looks beautiful. I can't wait to see her. I think Gran is the best at quietly keeping the pressure on Andy and Robyn. She is always hoping - too bad we all love Robyn so much, say, maybe we should marry her............Andy ain't bad either

Anonymous said...

I think that having the babies in hats is an unfair aspect of these competitions. Everyone knows that Owen is anti-hat but that early on he had no ability to make this part of his will reality.

Due to this I refrain from participating in this round.

-Uncle A.

Jess said...
