Tuesday, April 11

Owen's big present

For Owen's birthday today, we got him this red wagon. It has two flip-up seats (with cupholders!) that we thought Owen would love to ride in. He doesn't. To normalize riding in these seats, B thought it would be a good idea to put some of his favorite stuffed animals in the wagon.

Owen shows us in this series that he won't be placated so easily (the photos start in the top left, then work around clockwise). In the first photo, I present him with the wagon. In the next photo, Owen rips his stuffed animal out, and throws it on the ground (not pictured is him ripping out the first stuffed animal). In the third photo, Owen stomps the stuffed monkey's foot because of it's insubordination. In the final photo, Owen prepared to shoot the stuffed mouse to "make an example out of him." During none of this seemed to provoke any emotion in Owen, but he did turn to me afterward and say, in a perfectly flat tone, as if he were discussing being at the end of a bowl of squash (his new favorite food), "all done." Then he made me dig a ditch for the mouse.

I guess we won't try again with the wagon. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm worried that Owen will hold the Sadam analogies against you in future therapy sessions.

-Uncly Andy.