Saturday, April 8

Lisa and Zoe

This is our friend Lisa with Zoe. Lisa has been an incredible help with Owen during the last few days. Basically, while B, Z, and I have been sleeping at the hospital (or not, see here), Lisa has been sleeping at our house making sure Owen's ok. I just can't imagine how we would have been able to manage all of the Zoe stuff without Lisa's help.

We've also had some tremendous help from other folks, particularly our friend Linda. Linda came over for a little bit today just to help out with little things like dishes and watching Owen or Zoe so one of us could sleep. It's a tremendous help. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have so much gratitude too, for Lisa and Linda and so many others who are helping Matt and B!! The things you are doing are truly the greatest gifts, and speaking for those of us in Nebraska--too far away to help with laundry, food and providing nap opportunities for B and Matt, I offer my sincere appreciation to you!

Suey (Matt and B's aunt)