Friday, December 30


This is a picture of Owen with Aster, his day care provider.

Some of the more savy/obsessive of you may note that I'm blogging at 4 in the afternoon on a work day. Why, pray tell, aren't I at work? Well, because our office closed early today (I actually am still sort of on duty; I have to keep my cell phone on me in case there are any new arrests today, but it seems unlikely that I'll get called). Why, you may ask, did I not pick up Owen early if I'm off work? The answer to that question, is that Owen doesn't like it when I pick him up early. The last time I did it he pitched a fit for about 2 hours. He has his schedule and, damnit, it includes a certain amount of play time at Aster's, and he'll thank you not to mess it up.

Though I'm a little dissapointed, it does indicate that he's in a good place while I'm working. Posted by Picasa

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