Thursday, December 22

Owen's vocabulary

Lots of folks ask what's up with Owen these days. The biggest development lately has really been in his vocabulary. This list won't be complete, but, here are some of Owen's favorite words (and their circumstances of utterance):

When he sees the appropriate object:
Ball (although always with the indefinite article "a" preceeding it, as in "aball")

To express an emotion:
Done (assuming being finished with some of a meal is an emotion - he says it with gusto, so I'm willing to roll with this)

When he sees the person:
Aster (his daycare provider; they're very close)

Actually, that's a little inaccurate; he also uses Mama and Dada to refer to, respectively, Dada and Mama.

Also, he uses "done" to refer not only to his own activities, but to states of affairs generally. For example, he blew out a candle recently (yes, I let him play with lit candles) and said "done" although he wasn't nearly done playing with it. Normally, however, he uses "done" to mean that he's finished with something and B or I should remove it from his reach or he'll throw it (yes, this does sound wrong, but it's better than him just throwing stuff without warning, so we'll take it).

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