Thursday, December 22

Things My Brother Has That I Don't

As you all doubtless know, Bridgette and I are expecting a sibling for Owen in April. I've been thinking a lot about how to parent in such a way as to minimize sibling rivalries. I'm a little obsessed about it in the abstract.

For example, I was recently talking to my dad about the name of this blog, and he proposed I change the name from Kaiserstrasse to The Owen Blog (actually, owenblog is already taken, but it doesn't look like it's really going gangbusters - the last post was in July 2004). But, aside from that, I don't want to have this blog called the Owen Blog because, of course, in April when Baby Y is born, I don't want to have to start a new blog, and it just seems unfair to blog about the other baby on a blog called the Owen Blog. That sends a horrible message about the status of the Baby Y.

And yes, I realize the new baby won't be reading any blogs at birth, but still, in 20 years do I want someone saying that I blogged about the Baby Y on a blog named The Owen Blog? It doesn't seem right.

Similarly, I'm going to have to change the subtitle of this blog to include Baby Y. But do I change it to "Much like my life, it's pretty much all about Owen and Baby Y."? It makes Baby Y seem tacked on at the end. Do I put Baby Y first? That seems to preempt Owen. Tough calls will have to be made. Maybe I could change it to "Much like my life, it's pretty much all about BOawbeyn Y." (or whatever the equivalent would be for Baby Y's real name). But that has other problems.

This is just a very long way of saying, I read this very funny thing on the internet, available at this link. I'm just really glad that doesn't describe my relationship with my brother, and I hope Baby Y will be able to say the same in 30 years.

Update: "The Owen Blog" is also taken.

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