Tuesday, December 20

PA evolution case

I really don't want this blog to depart from its Owencentricity, but I can't resist passing along this link to a discussion on Ann Althouse's blog about the recent decision in Pennsylvania on Intelligent Design. Particularly interesting are the quotes from today's opinion.

I was talking to Owen about the case this morning on our drive to day care and I told him I thought the judge would avoid the meaty issue and decide the case on narrow and relatively uninteresting grounds. Owen will soon learn his father is very often wrong, particularly about the future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a clergyman and a Wooster Graduate, I take exception to the Intelligent Design argument. It is bad theology and terrible science. At Wooster we learned science and religion from one source----scientio et religio ex uno fonte.That includes evolution into the grand scheme of things, and lets God work wonders. Glad the judge knew his religion and his science.