Tuesday, December 6

Kyla's visit

Owen's Aunt Kyla came down to visit from New York where she's going to college.

Here's a photo of her reading to Owen.

We went to Bridgette's (and Kyla's) counsin's house outside Gettysburg for Thanksgiving dinner. It was a great group; lots of philosophy professors and a guy who is involved with an AFPD in Virginia. And Bridgette's counsin Brooks was a lot of fun to meet.

The rest of the visit was pretty mellow. Bridgette went on a crazy death marc
h of Christmas decorating, but we seemed to have survived it pretty well.

As you can see from the picture below, Klya was very helpful.

Owen now likes playing with the tree a lot, so I suppose the forced Christmas spirit was worth it.

And, of course, the Spode is out.

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