Saturday, December 24

Owen's trip to PA

Owen took the car ride very very well.  He slept the first two hours or so, then was awake and playful for the next two.  All things considered it was a great drive.  He played happily with his beloved red ball for a long time, and really wore himself out.  Dad gave him an early Christmas present; a ball the plays the Michigan State fight song when thrown against the floor hard, and a football with a MSU logo on it.  I'm a little worried about his collegiate football loyalties, but I suppose there's nothing wrong with having a favorite Big Ten team (provided he knows who to cheer for when there's a conflict).

But, Owen ran out of gas early, so I'm off to church without him (or B, who'll keep guard in case he wakes up).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you know that Blogger has inserted ads for MSU at the top you your blog?? Just FYI.