Tuesday, December 27

Clean boy!

Bridgette and I have complicated relationships with housework. I tend to think that I would have a better attitude about doing it if my parents had raised me better; Bridgette thinks would have a better attitude about doing it if I'd stop blaming my parents as a way to procrastinate cleaning.

Happily, Owen seems to love housework! He'll go get a broom on his own, and start sweeping in the kitchen. And, apparently, the child labor laws don't apply to unpaid chores in the house. Everyone wins!
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Anonymous said...

your parents survived raising you. That is a real accomplishment in and of itself. Now you are B's problem..... sorry B!!! looks like O is a bigger help than his Dad.

Anonymous said...

ever notice how much Matt blames his parents for his present predicament. remember you parents gave you all your genes and the cleaning gene is recessive due to dna damage done at a beer tent in Dyersville, Iowa on RAGBRAI in 1989